Eligibilities for the endorsement of No Visa Required (NVR) to travel to Bangladesh in their foreign passports:
- The Bangladeshi origin foreign citizens (except SAARC countries).
- Spouses and children of the Bangladeshi origin foreign citizens (except SAARC countries).
- The Bangladeshi citizen’s spouses and children who are citizens of foreign countries (except SAARC countries).
- Foreign citizens having investment in Bangladesh worth USD 5 (five) Million.
Required documents to apply for No Visa Required (NVR):
- Printed copy of duly filled-in NVR Visa Form (with bar code)
- Original valid residence permit/visa of Mauritius (Photo page).
- Copy of the first page (Photo page) of Bangladesh Machine Readable Passport OR 1-5 page of Bangladesh hand written passport OR copy of Bangladesh Birth Registration certificate OR copy of Dual National Certificate OR copy of National ID card of Bangladesh.
- Copy of Mauritius Birth Certificate and copy of Bangladesh passport of Father OR Mother for the Bangladesh origin applicants born in Mauritius.
- Copy of the photo page and No Visa Required Seal page of the previous Mauritius passport for the applicants who have been previously issued No Visa Required. In this case, copy of Bangladesh passport is not required.
- Copy of Marriage Certificate and copy of Bangladesh passport of Bangladesh Nationals to obtain NVR for their Foreign National spouse.
- Recent passport size photo (One copy).
- Proof of payment: Bank deposit slip/printed copy of the Juice transfer. Descript must contain the name and passport number of the applicant
NVR Fees: 3800 MUR
Bank account details:
- Mauritius Commercial Bank
- Account Name: Bangladesh High Commission
- Account Number: 000441632904
- Please do not send original copy of any document except the passport on which NVR will be stamped.
- After scrutiny of documents, the High Commission may request, if necessary, for an in-person interview and/or submission of additional documents.
- The High Commission may accept or reject any application for NVR.